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Set screen-title from shellscript

Is it possible to set the Screen Title using a shell script?

I thought about something like sending the key commands ctrl+A shift-A Name enter

I searched for about an hour on how to emulate keystrokes in an shell script, but didn't find the answer.


  • You can set the screen / xterm title using the following lines:

    mytitle="Some title"
    echo -e '\033k'$mytitle'\033\\'

    [UPDATE] - by request I'm also including the solution proposed by @Espo below:

    Depending on your xterm version or your linux distribution the line above may or may not work and you can try the xterm-defaults:

    mytitle="Some title"
    echo -e '\033]2;'$mytitle'\007'

    For more on the details see: or refer to the answer by @Espo below.