Search code examples

"onclick=submit()" in a <table> created through struts taglib <html:forEach>

I'd like to send information to an ActionFormBean using a jsp page that contains a structured code like this:

        <th>ID Turno</th>
        <th>Data e Ora</th>
        <th>Sede turno</th>
    <html:form action="/dettagliTurno">
    <c:forEach var="ris" items="${usersession.searchResult}" >
            <td><c:out value="${ris.idTurno}"/></td>
            <td><c:out value="${ris.dataOra}"/></td>
            <td><c:out value="${ris.luogo}"/></td>
                <html:hidden property="id" value="${ris.idTurno}"/>
                <html:submit value="Dettagli" property="id" />

The only one information that I need to send to the ActionFormBean is "id" but if click on the button "Dettagli" of the second/third row (of the example showed in this image) the value sent to the ActionForm is always the one of the first row (that is '5')!

How can I solve this problem and set the correct value of id according to the row-button "Dettagli" selected?


  • GOT IT!

    I solved the problem by changing code this way:

    <c:forEach var="ris" items="${usersession.searchResult}" >
        **<html:form action="/dettagliTurno">**
            <td><c:out value="${ris.idTurno}"/></td>
            <td><c:out value="${ris.dataOra}"/></td>
            <td><c:out value="${ris.luogo}"/></td>
                <html:hidden property="id" value="${ris.idTurno}"/>
                <html:submit value="Dettagli" property="id" />

    With this version, form set the correct value of "idTurno" and properly send it to ActionForm.

    Hope it will be helpfulto someone with the same problem of mine.
