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Laravel 4: php artisan down not defined

I've updated my Laravel installation with the following commands today (which is a few days after Laravel 4's release date):

php composer self-update
php composer update

You can have a look at my composer.json file here:

In the Docs I've found out about the Maintenance Mode... ( Trying to use it returns:

Command "down" is not defined.

Command I've entered in the terminal for this exception:

php artisan down

My current version:

php artisan --version
Laravel Framework version 4.0.0

Any ideas? Did i miss something, am I still on some old version possibly?

Thanks in advance and best regards, Martin.


  • The first thing I suggest you do is just run php artisan list to get a list of all the available commands. If the up and down commands aren't listed then you probably aren't fully updated.

    If you have a bootstrap/compiled.php file try deleting it. Also make sure you pull the latest changes in from the laravel/laravel GitHub repository to update your application skeleton.

    Once you've done the above you can again check for the existence of the commands by running php artisan list.