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Cannot remove a uiscrollview

I am working on an iPad app and i utilise a UISplitview for my program. Now on the main detail view of my program i have a uiscrollview on which i add two labels.

  UIScrollView *scroll=[[UIScrollView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0, self.view.frame.size.width,self.view.frame.size.height)];
    scroll.contentSize=CGSizeMake(320, 1600);
    scroll.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor];

    [self.view addSubview:scroll];

This is the code i create on the first main page. Now imagine we push the second view, from that second view i can access everything by saying

 [self.detailViewController.view addSubview:detailViewController.Image];

but when i try to add labels to the subview saying


but i cannot find the scroll object, BUT the background of the scroll set in the first view comes over in the second view. AND i cannot change the background of the first view.

I decided to make a second scrollview untop of the first (which works) but i much rather know how i can access the first view i created throughout the whole program since it would negate me having to waste space creating scroll views. but if i have to create all the views i need i want to be able to somehow delete or release them so the picture from scrollview one doesn't get transferred all the way too scrollview 3

Thank You


  • You have to create properties for all the variables that you want to access from other classes . So in your case


    @interface DetailsViewController : UIViewController {
      // class member variables here that can be accessed
      // anywhere in your class (only in your class)
    @property(nonatomic, strong)
        //retain instead of strong if you are not using ARC or other types (weak, copy, readonly)
         SomeClassThatYouHave *propertyThatCanBeAccessed
    //declare here public instance methods

    In your DetailsViewController.m you will have:

    @interface DetailsViewController (Private)
    //declare private methods here or private properties
    @implementation DetailsViewController
    @synthesize propertyThatCanBeAccessed;
    //methods implementation here

    Now you can access the property of your DetailsViewController like detailsViewControllerInstance.propertyThatCanBeAccessed but you must alloc/init the instance.

    Hope that this will give you an idea of class structure in the future.