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Visual Studio 2012 - Get latest and list changed files?

Is there a way to have visual studio 2012 list the files which were updated in the workspace by a get latest operation?


  • Yeah, once you've done a get latest (or get specific or woteva), you can check the output window - make sure that the Show output from: is set to "Source Control - Team Foundation Server"

    It'll look something like this after the get:

    Replacing c:\tempcode\internal\UnitController.cs  
    Replacing c:\tempcode\internal\PieSeriesData.cs

    Not elegant i know.


    When you have the Source Control Explorer open and have your project or project folder selected in the elft tree view, on the right the files are listed. There is a column "Latest" indicates which files (in your workspace) are out of date and a column "Pending Changes" which indicate whether you have pending changes not yet pushed to server. You can [before getting latest] right click on that file and compare with the server.

    I'm sure there are other ways too