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Query PyTables Nested Columns

I have a table with a nested table column, route. Beneath that are two other nested datatypes, master and slave that both have an integer id and string type field.

I would like to run something like table.readWhere('route/master/id==0') but I get "variable route refers to a nested column, not allowed in conditions"

Is there a method to query a nested datatype in pytables?


  • You have to create variables to be used inside the condition string. One option is to define a variable dictionary:

    table.readWhere('rId==0', condvars={'rId':})

    Another option is to define local variables for the columns to be used in the condition.

    rId =

    As this pollutes the namespace, I recommend you to create a function to wrap the code. I tried to reference the column itself, but it seems the interpreter fetches the whole dataset before throwing a NameError.

    table.readWhere('') # DOES NOT WORK

    More info on the where() method in the library reference.