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Docpad error after Sass install

I want to start to work with foundation 4. So I installed Ruby and Sass.

After I installed Sass gem, I get the following error message on docpad generate:

error: An error occured:
Error: spawn ENOENT
    at errnoException (child_process.js:948:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:739:34)
    → [2013-05-31 13:23:20.812] [C:\Users\USERDIR\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\docpad\out\lib\docpad.js] [DocPad.log]
error: An error occured:
Error: spawn ENOENT
    at errnoException (child_process.js:948:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:739:34)
    → [2013-05-31 13:23:20.820] [C:\Users\USERDIR\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\docpad\out\lib\docpad.js] [DocPad.log]

I'd like to use sass for generating foundation inside docpad. I've tried to use this foundation docpad skeleton:

What can cause this and how could I solve it?


  • It's likely the same as this issue - - that being that DocPad was unable to automatically detect your sass installation path, so you'll have to specify it manually by adding the following to your docpad configuration file

            sassPath: 'theValue'
            scssPath: 'theValue'
            compass: 'theValue'