I read about factories in CastleWindsor but I cannot get it clear. Hope anyone could help me. I have this typed factory in an MVC4 project.
public interface IOrderProcessorFactory
T Create<T>(string ProcessorName) where T : IOrderProcessor;
void Release(object service);
IOrderProcessor GetTakeAway();
IOrderProcessor GetInLocal();
this is register this way:
If inside an MVC controller I call the factory in this way.
I get the correct one, the one named "TakeAway". But for this I have to previous know the type. In other words, I want to call the factory get methods and pass a "name" and the factory returns the correct one.
For example in pseudo-code I want this
TakeAwayOrderProcessor processor1 = factory.GetMeProcessorCalled("TakeAway")
InLocalOrderProcessor processor2 = factory.GetMeProcessorCalled("InLocal")
I know I can pass parameters to the constructor but then I will have to select it "manually" with if name is this return this one else...
Is there any way Windsor can do this automatic, like StructureMap do with:
You need a TypedFactoryComponentSelector