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Java Regex: Look behind group does not have an "obvious maximum length"

I have a service running that uses regex sent to it and uses it to retrieve a value from a string.

I can create a main method inside the class and debug the regex (?<=\\().+?(?=\\){1}) and it works perfectly.

However, as soon as I deploy it in tomcat to test remotely, I get the following exception:

Look-behind group does not have an obvious maximum length near index 19

Here is the function for parsing out a value that is being called:

private String parsePattern(String value, String pattern)
    String ret = "";

    Matcher m = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(value);
    while (m.find())
        ret =;

    return ret;

What is going on that is causing it to compile in an app, but not work in a webapp?


This fails with any string, but the string currently being checked is: "(Group Camp Renovation)"

When called from main, the method returns "Group Camp Renovation", when called via webapp, it throws the exception.


  • The problem is - once again - quoting of strings in the Java code vs no quoting when read via some kind of input.

    When you paste the string (?<=\\().+?(?=\\){1}) like this:

    String s1 = "(?<=\\().+?(?=\\){1})";

    you will get this output


    and this is what the regexp parser sees.

    But when the same string is read via an InputStream (just as an example), nothing is altered:

    String s1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

    will print


    Which means, that the {1} is attributed to the (?=\\) part and not to the (?<= part.