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using FormView to insert

I have a formview control, and on the ItemCreated event, I am "priming" some of the fields with default values.

However, when I try to use the formview to insert, before the ItemInserting event gets called, for some reason it calls ItemCreated first. That results in the fields being over-written with the default values right before the insert happens.

How do I get it to not call the ItemCreated event before the ItemInserting event?


  • you need to use formview Databound event instead of formview ItemCreated event to set values, try like

    protected void frm_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (frm.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit)//whatever your mode here is.
            TextBox txtYourTextBox = (TextBox)frm.FindControl("txtYourTextBox");
            txtYourTextBox.Text// you can set here your Default value

    Also check this thread of similare issue FormView_Load being overwritten C# ASP.NET