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Padarray function translating

I have to translate from Matlab to C this function:

 impadded = padarray(impadded, padSzVec, 'replicate', 'both');

Really it pads the array copying the last elements of the object impadded of every row and column(obtening a bigger object).

What I did is: (img is the original image)

Mat padded;
padded.create(img.rows + padSize, img.cols + padSize,img.type());

I suppose I m padding but inserting 0 to have a bigger object. Someone cal help me to improve the code.


  • (Since it solves the problem of OP, I am making my comment an answer)

    You can use copyMakeBorder() function in OpenCV to pad elements in whatever directions you like and it supports several types of padding. See the docs :

    BORDER_CONSTANT will add a constant value.

    BORDER_REPLICATE will copy the border elements as such, and I think that is what you need in your problem.