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CVX-esque convex optimization in R?

I need to solve (many times, for lots of data, alongside a bunch of other things) what I think boils down to a second order cone program. It can be succinctly expressed in CVX something like this:

    variable X(2000);
    expression MX(2000);
    MX = M * X;
    minimize( norm(A * X - b) + gamma * norm(MX, 1) )
  subject to
    X >= 0
    MX((1:500) * 4 - 3) == MX((1:500) * 4 - 2)
    MX((1:500) * 4 - 1) == MX((1:500) * 4)

The data lengths and equality constraint patterns shown are just arbitrary values from some test data, but the general form will be much the same, with two objective terms -- one minimizing error, the other encouraging sparsity -- and a large number of equality constraints on the elements of a transformed version of the optimization variable (itself constrained to be non-negative).

This seems to work pretty nicely, much better than my previous approach, which fudges the constraints something rotten. The trouble is that everything else around this is happening in R, and it would be quite a nuisance to have to port it over to Matlab. So is doing this in R viable, and if so how?

This really boils down to two separate questions:

1) Are there any good R resources for this? As far as I can tell from the CRAN task page, the SOCP package options are CLSCOP and DWD, which includes an SOCP solver as an adjunct to its classifier. Both have similar but fairly opaque interfaces and are a bit thin on documentation and examples, which brings us to:

2) What's the best way of representing the above problem in the constraint block format used by these packages? The CVX syntax above hides a lot of tedious mucking about with extra variables and such, and I can just see myself spending weeks trying to get this right, so any tips or pointers to nudge me in the right direction would be very welcome...


  • You might find the R package CVXfromR useful. This lets you pass an optimization problem to CVX from R and returns the solution to R.