I have the enterprise application for WebSphere. In application.xml
there is the line:
<module id="Module_1346393735403">
Unfortunatelly noone can me say why the module id is in such form, it was copied from somewhere. I was trying to find some details in google about what should the id look like, but without success.
So my question is, what are the requirements for module id on WebSphere? Need it to be anything that is unique inside the application.xml, or there are some special requirements for it?
This what is misleading for me is the information from the official site: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wchelp/v7r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.commerce.developer.doc%2Frefs%2Frdewcbdtrbmapmod.htm
Ensure that the display name in the module deployment descriptor is the same as the module name. For example, if the name of a Web module is ProjectServicesHTTPInterface, the display-name element in the deployment descriptor file web.xml must also be ProjectServicesHTTPInterface.
The message itself isn't very clear. It doesn't explain, what is module name.
For WebSphere (7) module name is the name of war file (without .war suffix).
The display-name
tag must be present in web.xml of war file, and must be the same as name of war (without .war).