I am asked to implement a recursive function that takes a nonnegative integer n as input and returns turtle instruction encoded with letters L,R and F where L means rotate left 45 degrees, R means rotate right 45 degress and F means go forward.
Additional information i have i: for every nonnegative integer n>0, the Levy curve L(n)
can be defined in terms of Levy curve L(n-1)
; Levy curve L(0)
is just a straight line.
>>> lev(0)
>>> lev(1)
I am very new to this and I am not sure how to start:
so far I only got:
from turtle import Screen, Turtle
def lev(n):
# base case
if n ==0:
return 'F'
# recursive case
return lev(n-1)
I need some good pointers here please.
Since Levy C's L system only has a single rule, it's simple to build the resulting string using a single replace method.
def lev(n):
if n == 0:
return "F"
symbols = lev(n-1)
return symbols.replace("F", "LFRRFL")
for i in range(4):
print lev(i)
You can visualize this replacement by imagining each straight line in the figure being replaced by two smaller lines connected at a ninety degree angle. Like so: