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Accessing Modal Popup Extender defined in one ASCX page in another ASCX pages Code Behind

I have two ASCX pages, call them Page1 and Page2.

In the HTML of Page1, I define a ModalPopupExtender. Now in the code behind on Page2, I'd like to do a ModalPopupExtender.Show when a button is clicked.

When I try to do this, I get an error stating the ModalPopupExtender doesn't exist in current context. Is there a way to reference the ModalPopupExtender defined in Page1 from Page2 so I can control it?


  • Expose your modal popup as a public property on your main page.

    public class BasePage: System.Web.Ui.Page
        public ModalPopupExtender MyPopup
                return this.myPopup;

    In your ascx code behind cast this.Page to your page type.

    public class Page1 : System.Web.UI.UserControl
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)