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How to prevent an Injection attack with wysihtml5 editor

I am using the wysihtml5 editor to allow a user to post messages on a ASP.NET MVC4 discussion forum. These messages are stored in a mssql db and rendered to the screen with Razor syntax:


Although these users are authenticated I wish to ensure that I will not be vulnerable to an injection attack such as the following:

User Posts:

<script>alert('Hacked:' + secretInformation)</script>

MVC Renders Alert box w/:

Hacked: ::secret info::

I have allowed the html to be stored in the db by setting in the controller:


What steps can I take to ensure that I am only rendering clean html code and not vulnerable to attack?


  • I have found a good solution here: AntiXss 4.2 Breaks everything

    Thanks for the direction Justin. Let's go Microsoft, let's see a solution that doesn't devour ALL my tags!