I am pretty certain I'm following all the rules:
Here is a fiddle
angular.module('app', function($httpProvider, $locationProvider, MockServiceProvider) {
delete $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
.provider('MockService',['$http', '$q', function ($http, $q) {
this.mocksEnabled = false;
this.enableMocks = function(val) {
mocksEnabled = val;
this.$get = function() {
var _mock_getNext = function() {
return {
'status' : {
'type': 'OK',
'msg': null
'data': {
'id': 123456789
return {
getData : function() {
if(mocksEnabled) {
return _mock_getNext;
} else {
return "Real Data";
.controller('Main', function(MockService) {
$scope.maybe_mock_data = MockService.getData();
The $http
and $q
injections for the provider should be on the $get
method of the provider, not on the constructor of the provider.
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pvtpenguin/UAP29/1/
.provider('MockService',function () {
this.mocksEnabled = false;
this.enableMocks = function(val) {
mocksEnabled = val;
this.$get = ['$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
var _mock_getNext = function() {
return {
'status' : {
'type': 'OK',
'msg': null
'data': {
'id': 123456789
return {
getData : function() {
if(this.mocksEnabled) {
return _mock_getNext;
} else {
return "Real Data";
Other minor problems:
was not injected into the controllergetData
function of the service, mocksEnabled
needed to be this.mocksEnabled