I have the following code that compiles thanks to boost's bind facility to pass a non-static member function as parameter where a global function parameter is expected. Note that I'm omitting a lot of details but my use-case is simply to pass a non-static member function as parameter and I need a typedef
for this function, see the code comments in the snippet below:
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
// ridge solver using conjugate gradient
template <>
inline void SomeANN<kConjugateGradient>::ridge_solve(const VectorXd& Y) {
// horrendous typedef I'd like to get rid of
typedef _bi::bind_t<tuples::tuple<double, VectorXd >,
_mfi::mf1<tuples::tuple<double, VectorXd>,
SomeANN<(Minimizer)1u>, const VectorXd&>, _bi::list2<_bi::value<SomeANN<(Minimizer)1u>*>,
boost::arg<1> > > oracle_f;
// I'd prefer this typedef instead of the ugly one above but doesn't compile
//typedef tuple<double, VectorXd> (SomeANN<kConjugateGradient>::*oracle_f)(const VectorXd&);
ConjugateGradient<BeginSpace, VectorXd, oracle_f> optimizer;
// ...
optimizer.search(BeginSpace(Y.rows()), boost::bind(&SomeANN<kConjugateGradient>::f, this, ::_1));
// definition of f. I need to pass this function as parameter to CG
template <>
inline tuple<double, VectorXd> SomeANN<kConjugateGradient>::f(const VectorXd& theta) {
// TODO: implement properly
double f = 0.0;
VectorXd df;
return make_tuple(f, df);
but the typedef
that I use above that I took from a previous error message is mega-ugly and would like to use something more readable like the line commented typedef tuple<double, VectorXd> (SomeANN<kConjugateGradient>::*oracle_f)(const VectorXd&);
but it will not compile. I need a typedef for oracle_f
to be able to specify the correct template parameter in the declaration ConjugateGradient<BeginSpace, VectorXd, oracle_f> optimizer;
How about use boost::function
typedef boost::function<tuples::tuple<double, VectorXd>(const VectorXd&)> oracle_f;