I want some thing like this, when a user visits a url www.example.com
no rules is applied on it but, when user visits www.example.com/something else
rules should be like,
->http://www.example.com/something else
->http://www.example.com/something else1
->http://www.example.com/something else2
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequireSession On
Require user
But at the same instance is user visits www.example.com/someother thing
these rules should not be applied to the url.
I do not want to create another folder and write a .htaccess separately,
Is it possible, Please tell me!!
Use this,
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequireSession Off
require shibboleth
and, Call the links like /Shibboleth.sso/Login?target=http://www.example.com/something else2
And catch the enviorment variables with HTTP_SHIB_... variable
and use shibboleth authentication