I have a "bomb" CCSprite
in its own class(If people who doesn't use cocos2d reads this, CCSprite is a NSObject pretty much).
The CCSprite file looks like this:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "cocos2d.h"
#import <OpenAL/al.h>
@class HelloWorldLayer;
@interface Bomb : CCSprite {
int length;
@property (readwrite) int length;
#import "Bomb.h"
@implementation Bomb
@synthesize length = _length;
I add it in my game layer (HelloWorldLayer
like a pro) with @class Bomb;
in .h, and I import the Bomb.h in my HWLayer.m aswell and where I use it in my code, is here:
Bomb *bombe = [[Bomb alloc] init];
bombe.position = explosionPoint;
bombe.length = player.explosionLength; //player is another CCSprite class. This one is from the method. ....fromPlayer:(PlayerSprite *)player
//Logging here works, tested and the bombe.position is valid and .length is valid
[currentBombs addObject:bombe];
NSLog(@"%@",currentBombs); //Here doesn't, guessing crash is at ^
As said, it crashes on the addObject:
line. I can't really see why, as I just replaced a not-classed CCSprite with a Bomb
The crash is just a (lldb)
and the thing on the left outputs a few thousand of these:
Which says description, so I would assume its in my CCSprite subclass the error is. BUT the bombe.* logging worked fine!
Does anyone understand why it doesn't work?
NSLog(@"%@",currentBombs); //Here doesn't, guessing crash is at ^
Your %@ implies NSString
. currentBombs is likely an int. Try
NSLog(@"%i",currentBombs); //Here doesn't, guessing crash is at ^
requires a texture. You can (maybe?) have a CCSprite
without one, but that's not what CCSprite
is for.
You will want to use CCNode
for this purpose:
CCNode* node = [CCNode new];
This is a full-fledged Cocos2d object that you can move, etc. You'd add your Bomb to it, and move the CCNode around, like this:
Bomb *myBomb = [Bomb new]; //or whatever
CCNode* bombNode = [CCNode new];
//add the bomb to the node
[bombNode addChild:myBomb];
//move the node
bombNode.position = CGPointMake(10, 20)
This allows you to remove the myBomb
from your node, effectively having something that you can add whatever you want without needing to display anything, but when you want to, it can be done easily.
Good luck