I have a contact us/Inquiry form in my website. I want to generate a lead in Sales force CRM on submission of this form.
What I have tried ?
I have checked in salesforce
doc and Google it I found something
But I did not get clear documentation for integrating it with PHP.
If any one integrated this please help me out !!
Thanks !!
Note: I have worked with and so i can understand API easily but i am not getting any link for API.
You’ve to downloaded the toolkit to connect with salesforce
from your PHP
and you will get below files in toolkit:
1- SforceBaseClient.php
2- SforceHeaderOptions.php
3- SforcePartnerClient.php
4- partner.wsdl.xml
You get an example file also, which will show you a good example to connect and post data on salesforce
For more help you can read this blog: