I get a response from a source in the string as
page <a href="${CLICK_URL}" target="_top">site not active</a>
I need to extract this data to an array as:
[0] => page
[1] => ${CLICK_URL}
[2] => _top
[3] => >site not active
I have clue to use preg_split() function. Please help...
Does this work for you?
$str = 'page <a href="${CLICK_URL}" target="_top">site not active</a>';
$regex = '
^ # start of string
(.*) # string before link
\s* # whitespace
<a # start of <a> tag
\s* # whitespace
href="([^"]*)" # match contents of href attribute
\s* # whitespace
target="([^"]*)" # match contents of target attribute
> # closing bracket of opening <a> tag
([^<]*) # match html between opening and closing <a> tag
</a> # closing </a> tag
$ # end of string
// the 'x' modifier enables the possibilty to add comments in a regex
// http://php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.modifiers.php
[0] => page <a href="${CLICK_URL}" target="_top">site not active</a>
[1] => page
[2] => ${CLICK_URL}
[3] => _top
[4] => site not active