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GWT CellTable Cells readOnly/disabled/non-editable

I want to make that some cells of the rows can be non-editable. by now my solution is when i create the columns, if one is readOnly, y make a TextCell, if not, i go with the default Cell wich can be EditTextCell,DatePickerCell,etc.

The problem with this is that i can't make some rows readOnly and others not. Or they are ALL the fields readOnly or they are not.

How can i do to make this for example

Data1 | Data2 | Data3
readOnly | non-readOnly | readOnly
readOnly | readOnly | non-readOnly

when i mean "readOnly" it can be "enabled" or make it a "TextCell"

                    celda = new TextInputCell();
                    Column<ObjetoDato, String> columna = new Column<ObjetoDato, String>(celda) {
                        public String getValue(ObjetoDato object) {
                                if(actual.getValorDefault()!=null && object.getValor(actual.getNombreCampo()).isEmpty()){
                                    object.setValor(actual.getNombreCampo(), actual.getValorDefault());
                                    return actual.getValorDefault();

                                return object.getValor(actual.getNombreCampo());
                    tabla.agregarColumna(columna, actual.getCaption()); 
                    columna.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<ObjetoDato, String>() {
                            public void update(int index, ObjetoDato object, String value) {
                                object.setValor(actual.getNombreCampo(), value);
                                new Scripter(object,actual.getComportamiento(),true);

I tried creating my cutom cell already and replacing the TextImputCell, but the methods never trigger

celda = new FabriCel();


public class FabriCel extends TextInputCell {
private String campo;

public FabriCel(String campo){
 public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, String value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater){
     Boolean editable = false;///get it from your model

     if(editable != null && !editable){
         super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);

Also this

public void render( context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
    Boolean editable = false;///get it from your model
        sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div contentEditable='false'>"  +value+"</div>");        
        Log.log("No entra");
        super.render(context, value, sb);




  • You have to create one custom cell. In that, you have tell runtime like it should be readonly or no-readonly. just example.

            private class CustomCell extends EditTextCell {
                public void render( context, 
                String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
                Data data=context.getKey();
                sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div contentEditable='false'
                 unselectable='false' >"  +value+"</div>");         
                                super.render(context, value, sb);

    In given bean, there is some condition which says readonly or no-readonly. And create column like

    Column<Data, String> nameColumn = new Column<Data, String>(new CustomCell()) {
            public String getValue(Data object) {
                return object.getName();