I would realize the papercraft of a geodesic sphere like THIS .
Is the dual of the one discussed in THIS OTHER QUESTION .
Where can I find the printable nets, or the online resources to create them?
In the other discussion I learned that there are 3 classes of possible tessellations. One of these classes needs less pentagons to tessellate the sphere?
I don't exactly know how much faces I need, indicatively between 100 and 200. Which chord factors I should consider?
Thanks to all
The link that I provided in the former discussion...
...provides for display of a dual. Unfortunately, the java applet will only export a data set for the geodesic triangular tessellation; not the dual.
The dual can be constructed from the triangular tessellation, by importing the vertex (point) data set (from the java applet) into a 3D-graphics program, and then following the rules of the definition of a dual. (Each pent/hex face will use the triangular vertex point as the centerpoint of a circle, being equidistant from the sphere center and normal to the central vector. The intersections of these circles will produce the linear edges of the dual faces.)
All tessellated duals, based on the icosahedron, will have the same number of pentagonal faces (12), regardless of how many hex faces are produced.