I have an interesting problem when using Zeus with Rails. My shell script writing is lacking to say the least.
Ok, so zeus boots a rails app in under a second and makes tests etc. much faster. However, you must append zeus
before any rails command. Example, zeus generate controller
or zeus rake db:migrate
. I would rather keep the regular rails commands while running zeus. Example, rails generate controller
or rake db:migrate
I have these 3 commands aliased
alias rails='zeus'
alias rspec='zeus rspec'
alias rake='zeus rake'
However, if zeus is not running, I get this error
error: Can't connect to master. Run zeus start first.
So the problem I'm trying to solve is I would like to use the same rails commands whether zeus is running or not
Now when I run zeus start
it seems that zeus.sock
is present. So I guess I could check for the presence of zeus.sock
in a function and then set up the alias accordingly. Im just not sure the best way to do this. I know that -S
is true if file exists and is a socket. something like
if [ -S zeus.sock ]; then
# not sure where to go from here
Anybody have a suggestion on the best way to do this?
thanks in advance
You can use a function, perhaps like this:
zrail() {
if [ -S zeus.sock ]; then
zeus $*
rails $*
Then you call it like:
zrail generate controller