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How to check my access to a certain queues on sge

I am just wondering if there is some command which tells me if I have access to a certain queue on a cluster with sge. Thanks:)


  • Use qstat's -U option. From the man page for qstat(1):

         -U user,...
              Displays status information with respect to  queues  to
              which  the specified users have access. Status informa-
              tion for jobs is displayed either for those which  exe-
              cute in one of the selected queues or which are pending
              and might get scheduled to those queues in principle.

    You can then do

    $ qstat -U yourusername -g c

    to see a list of all the queues you have access to, or

    $ qstat -U yourusername -g c -q yourqueuename

    to determine if you can access a specific queue(the list will be empty if you do not have access).