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C++ read int16_t (G++ compiler)

I need store value in int16_t from stdint.h. How can I read this value from user's terminal?

The way from this answer (So, we have int32_t, int16_t, uint64_t, etc.. But where are the atoi32, atoi16, atoui64, etc...?) doesn't work on Ubuntu g++ compiler.

I prefer use standard C++ libraries. Something like:

#include <cstdio> 
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ( void ) {
    char value [] = "111";
    int16_t tmp;

    if ( sscanf ( value, "%???", & tmp) == 1 ) cout << "OK" << endl;

    return 0;

Or is better read standard integer and then convert it?

I don't use C++11.


  • Stop using old C functions, and start using C++ functionality:

    std::string value = "111";
    std::istringstream is(value);
    if (is >> tmp)
        std::cout << "OK\n";

    If you want to read it from the user, then use std::cin instead:

    if (std::cin >> tmp)
        std::cout << "OK\n";