I have to translate from Matlab to C this code:
% take off the pads
x = (1 + padSize) : (rows - pad8Size);
y = (1 + padSize) : (cols - padSize);
1st and 2nd create 2 array, but I don t know how I have to delete it from rpad Mat object It can be something like(subtract every element)
for(int i=1+pad;i<=rows-pad;i++){
for(int j=1+pad;i<=cols-pad;j++){
Or something like(delete the external element)
int a=(rows-pad)-(1+pad);
int b=(cols-pad)-(1+pad);
rpad.create(img.rows - a,img.cols - b,original.type());
cv::Rect roi(padSize, padSize, rpad.cols-2*padSize, rpad.rows-2*padSize);
cv::Mat result = rpad(roi);
And depending on whether you want continuous memory, you can choose to directly use result (discontinuous, usually okay for most OpenCV functions) or copy it to back to rpad (continuous)