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How can I tell Finder to make a new Finder window with properties?

I have the following snippet in a larger script:

--I think this should work…
--make new Finder window with properties {target:theWallpaperPosixFile}
set theWindow to make new Finder window
set target of theWindow to theWallpaperPosixFile

Why does the commented out line not work when I believe it should be functionally identical to the bottom line?

EDIT: To be clear, the code works as is. I'm missing something about with properties. My understanding from this as well as many other sites and the Finder Dictionary is that the 2 liner should be equivalent to the one liner. But it's not. It just pops open a new Finder window with no target.

So my question is specifically how to use with properties, not 'how to make it work'.


  • Try:

    set wallpaperPaths to {POSIX path of (path to documents folder)} -- Example
    repeat with wallpaperPath in wallpaperPaths
        set theWallpaperPosixFile to POSIX file (contents of wallpaperPath) as alias
        tell application "Finder" to set theWindow to make new Finder window to theWallpaperPosixFile
    end repeat


    Look in the dictionary for Make in the Standard Suite:

    enter image description here