I have to implement PDF viewer library in project I am following https://github.com/bhavyahmehta/Pdf-Reader---Writer/blob/master/Pdf_%20Reader_Writer/README.md In this example they are creating PDF and loading in viewer. Actually I understood how library works Here is the below snippet of code for creating and loading PDF from library:
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params)
String pdfcontent = generateHelloWorldPDF(); //generating pdf content
outputToFile("PdfSample.pdf",pdfcontent,"ISO-8859-1"); //passing pdf name and content
return null;
private String generateHelloWorldPDF()
{ //function returns pdf content with pages
PDFWriter mPDFWriter = new PDFWriter(PaperSize.FOLIO_WIDTH, PaperSize.FOLIO_HEIGHT);
try {
// all image formates are supported
Bitmap i1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_launcher);
mPDFWriter.addImage(40, 60, i1, Transformation.DEGREES_315_ROTATION);
mPDFWriter.addImage(72, 72, i1);
mPDFWriter.addImage(200, 400, 135, 75, i1);
mPDFWriter.addImage(150, 300, 130, 70, i1);
mPDFWriter.addImageKeepRatio(100, 200, 50, 25, i1);
mPDFWriter.addImageKeepRatio(50, 100, 30, 25, i1, Transformation.DEGREES_270_ROTATION);
mPDFWriter.addImageKeepRatio(25, 50, 30, 25, i1);
} catch (Exception e) {
mPDFWriter.setFont(StandardFonts.SUBTYPE, StandardFonts.TIMES_ROMAN);
mPDFWriter.addRawContent("row content \n");
mPDFWriter.addText(70, 50, 12, "hello world");
mPDFWriter.setFont(StandardFonts.SUBTYPE, StandardFonts.COURIER, StandardFonts.WIN_ANSI_ENCODING);
mPDFWriter.addRawContent("row content rg\n");
mPDFWriter.addText(30, 90, 10, "� CRL", Transformation.DEGREES_270_ROTATION);
mPDFWriter.addRawContent("[] 0 d\n");
mPDFWriter.addRawContent("1 w\n");
mPDFWriter.addRawContent("0 0 1 RG\n");
mPDFWriter.addRawContent("0 1 0 rg\n");
mPDFWriter.addRectangle(40, 50, 280, 50);
mPDFWriter.addText(85, 75, 18, "Android Docs");
mPDFWriter.setFont(StandardFonts.SUBTYPE, StandardFonts.COURIER_BOLD);
// mPDFWriter.addText(150, 150, 14, "http://coderesearchlabs.com");
mPDFWriter.addLine(150, 140, 300, 140);
String s = mPDFWriter.asString();
return s;
private void outputToFile(String fileName, String pdfContent, String encoding) { //function which pushes the file to below path
//System.out.println("content" +fileName);
try {
File dir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/pdf_Writer_Reader/");
if (!dir.exists())
newFile = new File(dir,fileName);
FileOutputStream pdfFile = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
catch(IOException e)
can anybody suggest on how to load PDF from sdcard any help will be thankful.
The project you mentioned on GitHub is based on MuPDF library. In the same GitHub project you have an example of reading a pdf in an Activity - MuPDFActivity The part of the Activity which reads the PDF is at the start -
private MuPDFCore openFile(String path)
int lastSlashPos = path.lastIndexOf('/');
mFileName = new String(lastSlashPos == -1? path : path.substring(lastSlashPos+1));
System.out.println("Trying to open "+path);
core = new MuPDFCore(path);
// New file: drop the old outline data
catch (Exception e)
return null;
return core;
Using the MuPDFCore instance you call
public static native void drawPage(Bitmap bitmap, int pageW, int pageH,
int patchX, int patchY,
int patchW, int patchH);
to write the particular page on the bitmap. To know more check the project which has a working sample to display pdfs.