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PDF Viewer via Pdf-Reader---Writer in Android

I have to implement PDF viewer library in project I am following In this example they are creating PDF and loading in viewer. Actually I understood how library works Here is the below snippet of code for creating and loading PDF from library:

    protected Void doInBackground(Void... params)
    String pdfcontent = generateHelloWorldPDF(); //generating pdf content
    outputToFile("PdfSample.pdf",pdfcontent,"ISO-8859-1"); //passing pdf name and content
        return null;

          private String generateHelloWorldPDF() 
          { //function returns pdf content with pages
        PDFWriter mPDFWriter = new PDFWriter(PaperSize.FOLIO_WIDTH, PaperSize.FOLIO_HEIGHT);

    try {
        // all image formates are supported
        Bitmap i1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_launcher);   
        mPDFWriter.addImage(40, 60, i1, Transformation.DEGREES_315_ROTATION);
        mPDFWriter.addImage(72, 72, i1);
        mPDFWriter.addImage(200, 400, 135, 75, i1);
        mPDFWriter.addImage(150, 300, 130, 70, i1);
        mPDFWriter.addImageKeepRatio(100, 200, 50, 25, i1);
        mPDFWriter.addImageKeepRatio(50, 100, 30, 25, i1, Transformation.DEGREES_270_ROTATION);
        mPDFWriter.addImageKeepRatio(25, 50, 30, 25, i1);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    mPDFWriter.setFont(StandardFonts.SUBTYPE, StandardFonts.TIMES_ROMAN);
    mPDFWriter.addRawContent("row content \n");
    mPDFWriter.addText(70, 50, 12, "hello world");
    mPDFWriter.setFont(StandardFonts.SUBTYPE, StandardFonts.COURIER, StandardFonts.WIN_ANSI_ENCODING);
    mPDFWriter.addRawContent("row content rg\n");
    mPDFWriter.addText(30, 90, 10, "� CRL", Transformation.DEGREES_270_ROTATION);

    mPDFWriter.addRawContent("[] 0 d\n");
    mPDFWriter.addRawContent("1 w\n");
    mPDFWriter.addRawContent("0 0 1 RG\n");
    mPDFWriter.addRawContent("0 1 0 rg\n");
    mPDFWriter.addRectangle(40, 50, 280, 50);
    mPDFWriter.addText(85, 75, 18, "Android Docs");

    mPDFWriter.setFont(StandardFonts.SUBTYPE, StandardFonts.COURIER_BOLD);
   // mPDFWriter.addText(150, 150, 14, "");
    mPDFWriter.addLine(150, 140, 300, 140);

    String s = mPDFWriter.asString();
    return s;

         private void outputToFile(String fileName, String pdfContent, String encoding)        { //function which pushes the file to below path
    //System.out.println("content" +fileName);

       try {
                File dir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/pdf_Writer_Reader/");
                if (!dir.exists())

                newFile = new File(dir,fileName);

                    FileOutputStream pdfFile = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
               catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
       catch(IOException e)

can anybody suggest on how to load PDF from sdcard any help will be thankful.


  • The project you mentioned on GitHub is based on MuPDF library. In the same GitHub project you have an example of reading a pdf in an Activity - MuPDFActivity The part of the Activity which reads the PDF is at the start -

    private MuPDFCore openFile(String path)
        int lastSlashPos = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        mFileName = new String(lastSlashPos == -1? path : path.substring(lastSlashPos+1));
        System.out.println("Trying to open "+path);
            core = new MuPDFCore(path);
            // New file: drop the old outline data
        catch (Exception e)
            return null;
        return core;

    Using the MuPDFCore instance you call

        public static native void drawPage(Bitmap bitmap, int pageW, int pageH, 
    int patchX, int patchY,
    int patchW, int patchH);

    to write the particular page on the bitmap. To know more check the project which has a working sample to display pdfs.