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PhpStorm - Navigate to method

In a class, I quickly want to navigate to, let's say, the indexAction method. In SublimeText I could press cmd + R, type 'inde', and hit enter on the dropdown that shows all the results from my search.

I haven't found this in PhpStorm, is this functionality available?


  • Navigate | Symbol... (CtrlAltShiftN in the default keymap on Windows/Linux, CmdAltShiftN with Mac OS X keymap, CmdAltO in Mac OS X 10.5+ keymap).

    Help | Find Action, type symbol to see shortcut in your keymap.

    The above works globally across the project, for the current file only use Navigate | File Structure (or CmdF12 on Mac OS X 10.5+) and start typing the method name to narrow down the results, hit Enter to navigate to the selected method.

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