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Ruby inline documentation

In IRB, or other interactive interpreter such as pry, how can I get some inline documentation on objects and methods? For example, I can get this far:

[1] pry(main)> x = 'hello world'
=> "hello world"
[2] pry(main)>
x.start_with?  x.strip        x.strip!   
[2] pry(main)>

But now I want to read usage / interface / whatever rdoc has to say about those methods and their inteface. That middle line was tab-completion, by the way.

I'm looking for something similar to ipython, where ? can be appended to an attribute name to see the docstring, or even an ?? to see the source:

In [1]: x = 'potato'

In [2]:
x.startswith  x.strip       

In [2]: x.strip?
Type:       builtin_function_or_method
String Form:<built-in method strip of str object at 0x15e1b10>
S.strip([chars]) -> string or unicode

Return a copy of the string S with leading and trailing
whitespace removed.
If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping


  • First you need to install

    gem install pry-doc

    Then you can get documentation with the show-doc [method] command (aliased to ? [method])

    pry> x = 'potato'
    => "potato"
    pry> show-doc x.strip
    From: string.c (C Method):
    Owner: String
    Visibility: public
    Signature: strip()
    Number of lines: 4
    Returns a copy of str with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
       "    hello    ".strip   #=> "hello"
       "\tgoodbye\r\n".strip   #=> "goodbye"

    You can even look at the source code with the show-source [method] command (aliased to $ [method])

    pry> show-source x.strip
    From: string.c (C Method):
    Owner: String
    Visibility: public
    Number of lines: 7
    static VALUE
    rb_str_strip(VALUE str)
        str = rb_str_dup(str);
        return str;

    This example shows C source, but it will show you the actual Ruby source if there is any. Consider this simple class:

    pry> class Foo
    pry*   def bar
    pry*     puts 'hello'
    pry*   end
    pry* end
    => nil

    You can look at the whole class:

    pry> show-source Foo
    From: (pry) @ line 2:
    Class name: Foo
    Number of lines: 5
    class Foo
      def bar
        puts 'hello'

    But also at just a specific method:

    pry> show-source Foo#bar
    From: (pry) @ line 3:
    Owner: Foo
    Visibility: public
    Number of lines: 3
    def bar
      puts 'hello'

    As @banister suggested, you may add custom commands via Pry.commands.command. This way you can define your ? and ?? commands like this in your ~/.pryrc:

    Pry.commands.command /(.+) \?\z/ do |a|
      run "show-doc", a
    Pry.commands.command /(.+) \?\?\z/ do |a|
      run "show-source", a

    Note that we need a space between the method and the ?, because Ruby methods may end in ? (e.g. Fixnum#zero?) and those methods would break. Some examples:

    pry> puts ?
    From: io.c (C Method):
    Owner: Kernel
    Visibility: private
    Signature: puts(*arg1)
    Number of lines: 3
    Equivalent to
        $stdout.puts(obj, ...)


    pry> puts ??
    From: io.c (C Method):
    Owner: Kernel
    Visibility: private
    Number of lines: 8
    static VALUE
    rb_f_puts(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE recv)
        if (recv == rb_stdout) {
            return rb_io_puts(argc, argv, recv);
        return rb_funcall2(rb_stdout, rb_intern("puts"), argc, argv);


    pry>     # still works!
    => true
    pry> ?
    From: numeric.c (C Method):
    Owner: Fixnum
    Visibility: public
    Signature: zero?()
    Number of lines: 1
    Returns true if fix is zero.