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Nesting Sphinx extension directives with reST

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to nest Sphinx extension directives. I have a few custom node types that are working great, but I'd like a little more flexibility in the HTML I'm generating.

Here's an example of what I'm trying to accomplish:

Say I have a directive that creates a textbox and button that triggers some JavaScript. This works fine - I can put this in my reST file:

.. myDirective:: name
    :opt1: val

Now, I want the ability to create a tabbed interface with jQuery in the output. I have a node type that creates the raw HTML/JavaScript needed for this to happen.

What I would like to be able to do is give the tab node 1 or more instances of myDirective (or other directives), and have it put each instance into another tab. Something like this:

    .. myDirective:: name1
        :op1: val1

    .. myDirective:: name2
        :op1: val1

Obviously this is a pretty specific case, but this is generally what I'd like to accomplish - nested directives.


  • The configuration-block extension might help you :

    From :

    .. configuration-block::
      .. code-block:: yaml
        # Configuration in YAML
      .. code-block:: xml
        <!-- Configuration in XML //-->
      .. code-block:: php
        // Configuration in PHP