Here is the piece of code. I am trying to write a hexadecimal to a file in binmode.
die "Usage: $0 infile outfile" unless scalar(@ARGV) > 1;
open(my $out, '>', $ARGV[1]) or die "cannot open in file: $!";
$PrevlastByte = 116;
my $PrevlastByte = pack 'H*', $PrevlastByte;
print $out "$PrevlastByte";
$PrevlastByte is 116 and its equivalent hex is 74. When i see my outfile, I will have two bytes of data 11 and 60. I just want 1 byte of data in outfile i.e 0x74, when I see it in hex viewer. How can this be done. Please help.
You don't want hex. Hex is a string representation of a number. You want character 11610 aka character 7416.
It is obtained using any of the following:
pack('C', 116)
pack('C', 0x74)
By the way, you should take advantage of STDOUT.
binmode STDOUT;
my $PrevlastByte = 116;
print pack 'C', $PrevlastByte;