guys i use Parse Post to receive my username and password But when my username included with Space its not work. my question is How can I parse a spaced-string in my php code?
function ParsePost( )
$username = '';
$password = '';
$post = file_get_contents( "php://input" );
$post = str_replace( "&", " ", $post );
sscanf( $post, "%s %s", $username, $password );
return array( 'user' => $username,
'pass' => $password
Just add:
$post = str_replace( " ", "_", $post );
$post = str_replace( "&", " ", $post );
The username will result with _
s so you may want to convert them back to spaces before the return:
$username = str_replace( "_", " ", $username);
This will replace _
with a space as well.
The best way to do this is actually using an explode.
list($username, $password) = explode('$', $post);