I am trying to redirect a subdomain URL to a controller method. Complete url is
I have configured subdomain from hosting service's control panel. Which is redirecting subdomain.domain.com
to domain.com
Configured route url on router.php as
$route['urlofservice/servicename.svc'] = "test/test3";
But when I try to hit the complete url, I get 404 error from the hosting service. 404 error is thrown from hosting server not from codeigniter.
Is there any problem with my seetting?
Should I change redirection setting in .htaccess or in server control panel? Right now server is throwing 404 error which means it's not even hitting the application yet.
You can't use routes directly for subdomain. Use this in your routes.php
if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'subdomain.domain.com')) {
$route['urlofservice/servicename.svc'] = "test/test3";