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LinkedCell to Checkbox calling onAction Subroutine in VBA?

I have a great number of checkboxes calling a subroutine whenever a checkbox is ticked/unticked. Now I would like to get the address to the linked cell of the checkbox that called the sub. I've tried


but I get "Object required" error, I guess because Application.Caller returns a string.

Is there some way I can get the address of the linkedCell?

Thank you for any help!


  • This assumes you are using a Checkbox from the Forms menu, as I don't think Application.Caller recognizes an ActiveX control. It uses the oddly-named ControlFormat property of a Shape (A Checkbox is a Shape):

    Sub GetLinkedCell()
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim chk As ControlFormat
    Set shp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Shapes(Application.Caller)
    Set chk = shp.ControlFormat
    MsgBox chk.LinkedCell
    End Sub