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How do you set ContentDisposition in a LinkedResource?

Is there a way to set the ContentDisposition of a LinkedResource to be inline, ie in the case of an image?

Here's how I am building my LinkedResource right now:

            Dim img As LinkedResource = New LinkedResource(filePath)

            Dim fileType As String = ""
            Dim attName As String = "image" + fileName + "." + fileExt

            If (fileExt = "jpg" Or fileExt = "jpeg") Then
                img.ContentType.MediaType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg
            ElseIf (fileExt = "gif") Then
                img.ContentType.MediaType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Image.Gif
            ElseIf (fileExt = "png") Then
                img.ContentType.MediaType = "image/png"
            End If

            img.ContentId = attName
            img.ContentType.Name = attName


  • Adapt the code succinctly described in this answer:

    This appears to be the right approach. Articles describing this in more detail include these: