I had a read through this : https://github.com/schmittjoh/serializer/issues/77 but did not find any way to serialize null values in JSON for FOS Rest bundle with JMS serializer (meaning just show the key of the Doctrine object even if its null).
I am using the following config in composer.json
"jms/serializer-bundle": "0.12.*@dev",
"friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle": "0.13.*@dev",
The JMS serializer config
options: 0 # json_encode options bitmask
serialize_null: true
Or the FOS Rest bunde config
serialize_null: true
Does not work. I'm not using a view I'm "view_response_listener: 'force'" so if a solution from the config can be provided it would help, thanks.
Try this
in your controller
$entity = $this->getEntity($id);
$context = new SerializationContext();
$serializer = $this->get('jms_serializer');
$response = new Response($serializer->serialize($entity, 'json', $context));
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return $response;
But the interaction with the fosrestbundle about configs is not known to me.