Would like to know what would happen if I run data pump on a production server which is being used live. Will this affect DB performance for Update/Insert activities ??
Thank You.
Well, any activity on any server running any software will always have the potential to affect other users. Whether and how badly it actually will affect other activities depends on a variety of factors. If the day-to-day activity is bottlenecked on I/O, for example, then adding a DataPump export that generates a large amount of additional I/O will significantly slow day-to-day operations. If the server is mostly idle during the day, on the other hand, running a DataPump export at the same time probably won't substantially affect performance.
Assuming that you are exporting a reasonably large amount of data, it would certainly be conventional to wait until at least off-peak hours to run the export rather than doing it during the middle of the day.