I can't seem to find anywhere online the browser compatibility for the CSS Marquee properties. Can someone give me some information about which browsers (and versions) it works on.
P.s. I know some will say not to use marquees, but it's a requirement for one of our clients. And I'd rather use CSS properties than Javascript or the tag.
Here's the W3.org page on it. http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-marquee/#the-marquee-style
EDIT (08/10/203): Since this question, I have been experimenting and noticed that you can simulate a Marquee using CSS animation keyframes. Support is greater.
Currently, CSS3 Marquee is only supported in Webkit browsers (Chrome and Safari).
Notice that the only extension name available for the marquee element is -webkit-marquee (there isn't a -moz-
, -o-
, -ms-
or 'general' marquee equivalent).
The status of Marquee implementation in Firefox is still unconfirmed currently, and I can't find any information on plans to implement it in IE or Opera as of yet.