I just looked in disbelief at this sequence:
my $line;
$rc = getline($line); # read next line and store in $line
I had understood all along that Perl arguments were passed by value, so whenever I've needed to pass in a large structure, or pass in a variable to be updated, I've passed a ref.
Reading the fine print in perldoc, however, I've learned that @_ is composed of aliases to the variables mentioned in the argument list. After reading the next bit of data, getline() returns it with $_[0] = $data;, which stores $data directly into $line.
I do like this - it's like passing by reference in C++. However, I haven't found a way to assign a more meaningful name to $_[0]. Is there any?
You can, its not very pretty:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub inc {
# manipulate the local symbol table
# to refer to the alias by $name
our $name; local *name = \$_[0];
# $name is an alias to first argument
my $x = 1;
print $x; # 2