I am currently using Propel 1.6 and Symfony 2 autoloader class.
My problem is that I can access the first class but it somehow doesnt access the other classes The error:
Fatal error: Class 'model\om\BaseUser' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\gym\build\classes\model\User.php on line 20
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<database name="gym" namespace="model" defaultIdMethod="native">
The build.properties
# Database driver
propel.database = mysql
# Project name
propel.project = gym
propel.namespace.autoPackage = true
propel.database.url = mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test
propel.database.user = root
propel.database.password =
// Include the main Propel script
require_once '/propel/Propel.php';
// Initialize Propel with the runtime configuration
require_once realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . "/ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php";
use Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader;
$loader = new UniversalClassLoader();
$loader->registerNamespaces( array (
"build\classes\model" => realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) ),
"Symfony\Component" => realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) ),
"s" => __DIR__
use \build\classes\model\User;
$a = new User;
It's a classic autoloading issue... register your namespace with the autoloader correctly.
Make sure you have registered model\om with it's real path in your autoloader if it uses a different path than the other namespaces.
$loader->registerNamespaces( array (
// ... namespaces here
"model\om" => 'path_here',
If that's not the solution you might have a missing/wrong use-statement in your \build\classes\model\User...
... or you are trying to construct an inexistant class like this.
// this tries to load BaseUser build\classes\model\model\om\BaseUser
// ... if used in User.php
$baseUser = new model\om\BaseUser;
... when it should instead read
$baseuser = new \model\om\BaseUser;
... or better
use model\om\BaseUser;
// ...
$baseUser = new BaseUser();
... or your BaseUser class violates PSR naming conventions in some way.