I was wondering if there's a way in order to remove the padding generated by the 24 bit Bitmap for each scan line.
What I mean is like this :
Original [Pure Cyan 24 Bit BMP] :
FF FF 00 FF FF 00 FF FF **00 00** FF FF 00 FF FF 00 FF FF 00
Desired output [Removed Padding] :
FF FF 00 FF FF 00 FF FF **00** FF FF 00 FF FF 00 FF FF 00
Here's my code for getting the pixel data.
Bitmap tmp_bitmap = BitmapFromFile;
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, tmp_bitmap.Width, tmp_bitmap.Height);
System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData =
tmp_bitmap.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
int length = bmpData.Stride * bmpData.Height;
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
// Copy bitmap to byte[]
Marshal.Copy(bmpData.Scan0, bytes, 0, length);
Thank you in advance.
No, you'll have to remove it yourself. Padding is added to ensure that the start of a scanline in the bitmap starts at a multiple of 4. So getting padding is pretty likely when the pixel format is 24bpp, bmp_bitmap.Width * 3 is only divisible by 4 by accident.
You'll need a loop to copy each line. Something like this:
byte[] bytes = new byte[bmpData.Width * bmpData.Height * 3];
for (int y = 0; y < bmpData.Height; ++y) {
IntPtr mem = (IntPtr)((long)bmpData.Scan0 + y * bmpData.Stride);
Marshal.Copy(mem, bytes, y * bmpData.Width * 3, bmpData.Width * 3);