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How to abort getChar safely?

I would like to optionally abort a getChar action. I need the following function:

getChar' :: (Char -> IO ()) -> IO (IO ())

In case of abort <- getChar' callback , a character is read from standard input, unless abort is called before a character is available. If a character is read, callback is called with it.

I have the following prototype implementation:

import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent

getChar' :: (Char -> IO ()) -> IO (IO ())
getChar' callback = do
    v <- newEmptyMVar
    tid <- forkIO $ do
        c <- getChar
        b <- tryPutMVar v ()
        when b $ callback c
    return $ do
        b <- tryPutMVar v ()
        when b $ killThread tid

The problem is that killThread may abort the thread after reading the char but before putting () into the MVar.

I have no idea how to solve this problem, is it possible at all with the base package? If not, have you seen a similar function implemented in other packages?


  • I think the easiest way to achieve this is to perform your own buffering. Here's a simple prototype. It assumes that you call launchIOThread exactly once in your program. It doesn't handle EOF or other IO exceptions, but that should be easy.

    import Control.Concurrent
    import Control.Concurrent.STM
    import Data.Maybe
    import Control.Monad
    type Buffer = TVar (Maybe Char)
    launchIOThread :: IO Buffer
    launchIOThread = do
      buf <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing
      _ <- forkIO $ ioThread buf
      return buf
    ioThread :: Buffer -> IO ()
    ioThread buf = loop where
      loop =
        join $ atomically $ do
          contents <- readTVar buf
          if isJust contents -- no-one has taken the character yet
            then retry -- relax
            else return $ do
              c <- getChar
              atomically $ writeTVar buf (Just c)
    getChar' :: Buffer -> (Char -> IO ()) -> IO (IO ())
    getChar' buf callback = do
      abortFlag <- atomically $ newTVar False
      _ <- forkIO $ doGetChar abortFlag
      return $ atomically $ writeTVar abortFlag True
        doGetChar abortFlag = join $ atomically $ do
          mbC <- readTVar buf
          abort <- readTVar abortFlag
          case mbC of
            Just c ->
              do writeTVar buf Nothing; return $ callback c
            Nothing | abort -> return $ return ()
            _ -> retry