My question is concerning the "para" object. Where can I look up all the methods para has? I tried the manual but all it says is that para is used to render text. I also tried #shoes at Freenode, but no one answered. Seems that no one is online.
I ask because I don't understand what the pounded (###) line does.
str, t = "", nil :height => 500, :width => 450 do
background rgb(77, 77, 77)
stack :margin => 10 do
para span("TEXT EDITOR", :stroke => red, :fill => white), " * USE ALT-Q TO QUIT", :stroke => white
stack :margin => 10 do
t = para "", :font => "Monospace 12px", :stroke => white
t.cursor = -1 ####### I don't understand this line
keypress do |k|
case k
when String
str += k
when :backspace
when :tab
str += " "
when :left ### This is the part I'm interested in
#### Can you suggest a method to put in here. It moves the cursor to the left.
when :alt_q
when :alt_c
self.clipboard = str
when :alt_v
str += self.clipboard
t.replace str
Does the para class have a cursor method? The official documentation has no answer. I am trying to extend this into a simple text editor but I can't understand how to move the cursor. I am a novice programer and new to Ruby as well.
Furthermore, where do the Shoes programmers hang out? I tried the mailing list, apparently it's out of service. Is there are specific forum or a different mailing list?
thanks for trying out Shoes.
Yes, Red Shoes a.k.a. Shoes 3 apparently has a cursor method that lets you set the position of the cursor. It's undocumented though, I had to look up in the sources. Your milage may vary using it.
The Shoes mailing list is definitely alive and active. Just send a message to [email protected] and you should automatically be signed up. That would be the best channel for help on Shoes, for the rest communication happens mostly through Github issues.