Search code examples

What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?

I have a Ruby code file open in vi, there are lines commented out with #:

class Search < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    # create_table :searches do |t|
    #   t.integer :user_id
    #   t.string :name
    #   t.string :all_of
    #   t.string :any_of
    #   t.string :none_of
    #   t.string :exact_phrase
    #   t.timestamps
    # end

  def self.down
    # drop_table :searches

Say I want to uncomment all the lines in the first def ... end section. What's an efficient way to do that in Vim?

In general, I'm looking for an easy and fluid way to comment and uncomment lines. Here I'm dealing with Ruby code, but it could be JavaScript (//) or Haml (-#).


  • I use the NERD Commenter script. It lets you easily comment, uncomment or toggle comments in your code.

    As mentioned in the comments:

    for anyone who is confused by the usage, default leader is "\" so 10\cc will comment ten lines and 10\cu will uncomment those ten lines