I am looking for One Line Command or a simple script to set the 'shutdownhtml' in /var/www/html/bugzilla/data/param file.
'shutdownhtml' => '',
'shutdownhtml' => 'Archiving DB and Bugzilla config... It could takes 5 min or longer.',
Did try to use "sed" but somehow the config above has Single Open quote ' , so seem like "sed" not able to do this... ??
Thanks for helping.
Thanks to Thorsten Schöning. A solution has provided by him.
sed --regexp-extended 's/(.)shutdownhtml\1(\s+)=>(\s+)\1{2},/\1shutdownhtml\1\2=>\3\1someText\1,/' params > params.shutdown
See the link below for more information http://mozilla.6506.n7.nabble.com/Command-or-Script-to-add-text-to-parameter-shutdownhtml-in-param-file-td279974.html