I created a capped collection with a 50M default size. More recently, I noticed that I get a Cursor not found
error when a capped collection storage size goes over 50M. I'm not sure what reason causes this: I never get this error before when a capped collection size went less than a default maximum size.
if (this._cursor == null || this._cursor.IsDead)
var cursor = this._queueCollection.Find(Query.GT("_id", this._lastId))
.SetFlags(QueryFlags.AwaitData |
QueryFlags.TailableCursor |
this._cursor =(MongoCursorEnumerator<QueueMessage<T>>)cursor.GetEnumerator();
if (this._cursor.MoveNext())
//do some things
return this._cursor.Current;
if (this._cursor.IsDead){
return null;
The this._cursor.MoveNext() will throw a cursor not found
exception (occasionally, not always thrown. Is my code wrong?
I have found what cause this error.
Tailable cursors may become dead, or invalid, if either:
reference from a mongodb official website about create tailable cursor (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/create-tailable-cursor/)
In my application, when a `cursor not found' exception is thrown it always is because the cursor returns the document at the “end” of the collection and then the application deletes those document.