In routes I have
Router::connect('/opauth-complete/*', array('controller' => 'app_users', 'action' => 'opauth_complete'));
If I change pointer to controller app_users
with anything else and create controller everything works with no error. But I need it to work with AppUsersController
AppUsersController looks like this
App::uses('UsersController', 'Users.Controller');
class AppUsersController extends UsersController {
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->User = ClassRegistry::init('AppUser');
// ...
// ...
public function opauth_complete() {
// ...
// ...
So, plugin is CakeDC Users and another plugin that goes to /example/callback
after /example/auth/facebook
is Opauth plugin.
Error message looks like this
The request has been black-holed
Error: The requested address '/example/opauth-complete' was not found on this server.
This is perfectly possible to make these two plugins work together; when browser points to /example/auth/facebook
, it redirects to /example/auth/callback
and somehow it needs opauth-complete
route to link to specific method.
All works if not pointed to app_users
that extends plugin, uses plugin. Does not work only with this case. How can users of these two plugins get around such situation.
I solved it by disabling Security
component on Opauth
action in my AppUsersController
. Thing is that Opauth transfers data using POST and you should either change a method of it (ie: use Sessions, GET) or disable Security component.
For a method change use this in your bootstrap.php or core.php
Configure::write('Opauth.callback_transport', 'session'); // you can try 'get' too
To follow my approach add this to a controller where error occurs and where you place your opauth_complete
public function beforeFilter() {
// ...
if (isset($this->Security) && $this->action == 'opauth_complete') {
$this->Security->validatePost = false;
$this->Security->csrfCheck = false;
// ...
P.S. Changing method to Sessions has its drawbacks, you can take a look at comments here at Github Opauth issue #16